Montecristo premium cigars sometimes referred to as Montecristo Yellow, present the legendary Cuban cigar in a smooth Dominican "exile" series that defies comparison to the Havanas. Each rich-tasting...
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Guantanamera Espresso coffee blend is made for all those coffee lovers who want the authentic Cuban-style cup. With robust, intense, and bold flavors, the Cuban-style Espresso creates the...
Ultra-Durable Cigar Cutter
$19.99 -
Guantanamera Connecticut Torpedo Bundle of 25 Cigars
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Guantanamera Habano Churchill Bundle of 25 Cigars
$60.00 $49.00
About Us
Guantanamera Cigars was established in 1997 by Cuban-born tobacco blender Jose Montagne. He is internationally recognized and highly regarded for Guantanamera, his commitment to superior quality, and the tobacco blends that have made Guantanamera cigars so popular. Since Guantanamera 310 Robusto cigars are hand made in very limited quantities, you can only find them at exclusive tobacconists throughout the world.